Benefits of Membership
Your $25 dues pay for providing guest speakers and the operation of MDBA, including: renting facilities, insurances, event costs and supplies.
(After February 28, the dues increase to $30 per year.)
In addition your MDBA membership gives you access to:
Monthly Speakers at the General Meeting with Q and A
Monthly local area meet ups at local beekeepers apiaries
Opportunity for Beekeepers to collect swarms in their local area
Use of the MDBA extractor equipment
Access to the Members area of the website including area events, special interest groups and forums
Access to the MDBA monthly newsletter with articles and club news
Volunteer Leadership opportunities for your area cluster and Association
Your membership dues help support the following programs in the MDBA:
Community Education outreach to schools, organizations, and city and county events
Community Events to help raise awareness of the importance of honeybees as a key pollinator
The Annual Steve Gentry Memorial Scholarship Award
Term: Membership is from January 1 to December 31 of they year that you enroll.